Wide Open Enterprises presents                     

                   " You Gotta See This ! "
                                Showcasing some pretty neat items that are for sale by owner.
"In times like the present, men should utter nothing for which they would not willingly be responsible through time and eternity." Abraham Lincoln

 1956 Texas Maid Fiesta 16' - New lower price on this rare all aluminum boat which boasts a roomy cockpit area, forward upholstered hatch and portholes, constructed of the finest marine aluminum alloys. To schedule an appoinment to view or purchase this boat Email us at wideopenenterprises@yahoo.com or in the metro ATL, call 770-885-9731
Be sure to check back soon for our new "You Might Be A Redneck" salute photographs.

Sure to make you laugh or say hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.